‘Tis The Season: 3 Holiday Savings Tips



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I'm a Financial Coach, NFEC-certified Financial Educator (CFEI), and café-con-leche fanatic with a passion to help CLOSE the gap in Financial Literacy through my business Wear Your Money Crown™. I am also a children’s author who loves sharing my culture and experiences through the power of stories.


Creative Gifts & Ideas To Save Money

It’s the time of the year when our budgets can be particularly stretched with seasonal expenses due to holiday decorations, travel, festive food, gift giving & more! 

And this year is particularly tricky as inflation has not only been eating up our savings, but also increasing our living expenses. 

As such, I wanted to share 3 Savings Tips for the Holidays that are creative and can actually be fun too! 


​It’s definitely the time of the year in which our social calendar can fill up with multiple engagements, some which may require us to wear something a tad “fancier”.

I recently had the honor of attending a charity event at Windsor Castle and it was an absolute DREAM!

However, I fretted about what to wear as most of my pre-Covid gowns from my days of working in Wall Street/The City & attending all sorts of official events no longer fit me (I’m working on it in a healthy way). So, for the first time ever I decided to rent my dress for the evening from a Dress Hire Shop in London.

It was a wonderful experience!

Not only was I able to try on different dresses until I found one I loved AND felt comfortable in, but they also tailored it to fit me perfectly and took care of all dry cleaning costs (which can add up to a pretty penny in London). Oh, and I didn’t need to worry about a massive gown taking up real estate in my closet.

📸 Below, I share a small collage of pictures from the evening with my lovely friend Julieta, her husband, and my hubby.

Windsor Castle, November 2022


Instead of spending money on buying gifts, why not make them yourselves? I am a total “foodie” and have been obsessed with Nicole Keshishian Modic’s (@kalejunkie) amazing recipes & videos on Instagram. 

In fact, if you look at my SAVED REELS, 95% are of recipes she has created. 🤣

I particularly love her DIY creative gift series & provide links below to some of my favorite gift suggestions that I will be giving this year: 

Rosemary Lemon Salt
Bourbon Maple Candied Pecans
Sugar-Free Frosted Cranberries

Now, if the idea of creating something in the kitchen petrifies you, don’t worry! 

The beauty of creative gifting is just that…it can be ANYTHING. 

From a poem, or a collection of inspirational quotes, to a drawing – just think out of the box and gift away!


I have many “fond” memories of secret Santa gift giving in the office. Somehow, I always ended up being given something related to cats & yes, – as many of you may know I am a passionate #catladytribe member – however, I would have appreciated something different once in awhile. 

The Secret Santa Giving that I’m talking about is a nicer version of the typical trend

One in which you and family members and/or friends only need to buy ONE nice gift each (budgets can even be set ahead of time). This is particularly helpful for those who may have many family members and/or a big friend’s group. 

The best part is that you can donate to CHARITY some (or all) of the money you save by carrying out this new gifting tradition.


As always, remember to shop around and if you are buying gifts online consider doing so through your airline’s shopping portal, so that you can collect air miles, as well as rewards on your credit card. 

✈️ I love shopping via British Airways online portal for this very reason!

And if spending money on gifts is simply not possible this year (or is extremely limited), remember the BEST GIFT we can give others is OUR TIME.

Its value is beyond measure…

P.S. Please let me know which idea resonated with you the most and if you will be trying any of them out. Also next week – I’ll be sharing a few special gifts ideas, which can offer growth & future returns, so stay tuned! 💕

From my Crown to your Crown, I salute you!



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I'm a Financial Coach, NFEC-certified Financial Educator (CFEI), and café-con-leche fanatic with a passion to help CLOSE the gap in Financial Literacy through my business Wear Your Money Crown™. I am also a children’s author who loves sharing my culture and experiences through the power of stories.




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