Perseverance & the Lessons we can learn from Rejection
Many of you may have heard about Melanie Perkins, but just in case you haven’t – I’d love to tell you a little bit about her INSPIRATIONAL story.
🇦🇺 Melanie is an Australian technology entrepreneur who is the chief executive officer and co-founder of Canva, which is a multi-use graphic design platform. Originally, Canva was meant to be a tool for small businesses and amateur designers, but it is now used by more than 60 million users monthly.
Yep, it’s a pretty big deal!
I am a HUGE fan of Canva and use it pretty much every single day to make social media graphics, videos, and presentations for my business. If you don’t know about this amazing tool, you can check it out HERE.
Now, this is the thing…
Originally, when Melanie had been looking for funding her startup Canva, she received more than 100 NO’s from venture capitalists and other groups. In fact, she has publicly shared that many told her that her idea would NEVER make money.
And Boy, were they WRONG!
😯 In 2021, startup Canva was valued at $40 Billion.
Yep, that is correct. BILLIONS!
By the way, I would have loved to see the faces of all those that said NO, once they realized the opportunity they missed out on. 😁
🗝 The key point is that with each investor’s NO, Melanie learned something NEW and used the feedback to improve her presentation & pitching.
In fact, she converted the knowledge she gained from all the NO’s into the material needed for a future YES!
Often we take rejection so personally and our emotions obscure the opportunity for learning and growth.
Jay Shetty
Isn’t that so true?
And I TOTALLY get it.
As many of you may know, in addition to being a Financial Educator & Wealth Coach, I am also a Writer. However, what you probably don’t know is that for years I received numerous NO’s on my manuscripts.
Truthfully, it was tough and heartbreaking. 💔
I NEVER GAVE UP and in 2020 I finally got a YES for my picture book – The Tree Of Hope.
🌳 As a side note, The Tree Of Hope is currently on pre-order at Barnes & Noble, Beaming Books, IndieBound, Target & Amazon.
👉🏼 You can check it out & pre-order HERE. Pre-orders are extremely important for authors, as it helps retailers and booksellers identify early interest in a book. That’s why I’d be SO grateful for your support❣️
Now, back to Melanie…
I wanted to share her story as a reminder about the importance of PERSEVERANCE and that we can LEARN TO GROW FROM THE NO’S WE RECEIVE.
So friend, I ask you: What was a recent NO you received?
🤔 I then invite you to analyze:
1. What feedback was I able to receive through that No (if you didn’t get feedback then reach out & ask)?
2. What did I learn from that NO?
3. How can I use the feedback and/or NO for a future YES?
➡️ Should you have any questions about this, just hit REPLY.
Let me know about your recent NO and let’s figure out what is the next step you can take for a YES.
From my Crown to yours, I salute you!
👑 NEED HELP? If you need a helping hand on your journey to financial wellness, don’t hesitate any longer and BOOK a Free 20min Discovery Call to see how I can help you! Remember, you must take ACTION to transform your financial life.
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